Monday 15 April 2013

Bordering on obsession: my moisturiser collection.

So... What's the point in this post?

Saving has been rubbish. I haven't been doing it. I have been spending all of my money on things I don't use or need. In this case, moisturiser is a prime example, no-one needs that much as back up! I'm trying to embarrass myself into saving instead of spending for the sake of spending. 

Some of these I got in sets or as gifts or in an array of GlossyBoxes, which is fine. Most, I didn't. Most I bought for myself. I've tried less than half of them... Because I only have one face! One tiny little childsize face. I could probably shop this stash for two years to come, and still be left with some unopened.

If you have any tips for saving, I would love to hear them!

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